I’m at a conference and don’t have time to blog about this, but Brainshark has JUST released a new white paper. I’ll write about it later, but in the meantime, you can grab it
93% of communication is non-verbal, right? You’ve seen and heard this for decades from many, many management and presentation gurus you’ve been subjected to. Well, long ago I researched it and found that those ideas came with some pretty heavy strings attached. And the common usage of
You know what’s cool? Watching people improve. As a dude with a teacher’s heart, there’s nothing I love more than helping someone have an AHA! moment, and as a professional I spend a lot of time teaching people who may not have studied my webinars and presentations as much as I
One of my duties when at PlaceWare, Microsoft, and then as a VP at Corvent was to forecast demand for services. This need led to exhaustive analysis of the use of web seminars over many years, including how many events we’d produced every week of every year for years running. What I found