Ken, thanks for the kind comments on the book

You know what’s cool?  Watching people improve.

As a dude with a teacher’s heart, there’s nothing I love more than helping someone have an AHA! moment, and as a professional I spend a lot of time teaching people who may not have studied my webinars and presentations as much as I have.  They say nice things, which I appreciate, but…

…when the compliment comes from a fellow pro, it’s particularly uplifting.

As I predicted in my New Year’s Day post, this year has certainly seen an increase in self-proclaimed pundits.  It’s like people on Twitter calling themselves gurus.  You can’t swing a dead feline without…

So let me return the favor.

Ken Molay is the real deal.  He does production work (that I don’t do) with a keen sense of professionalism, but he also teaches and coaches.  In that sense he’s my competitor.

But here are the truths I rest on:

The web conferencing/seminar industry is a trend, not a fad.  I just finished a study about the use of web conferencing for training in Australia/New Zealand and another on best practices in online presentation skills.  Most people have barely touched webinars, and few feel like they got this stuff down.  Learning to effectively communicate virtually is a skill folks will be learning for a long time.

It’s a big world.  If there’s room for thousands of traditional motivational speakers and PowerPoint pundits, there is room for Ken and me to work together in a sense of “co-opetition.”

Finally, Ken’s good for this industry.  Most people don’t know what they don’t know, and that’s not wrong…it’s just the stage of the market.

Ken’s comments about The Virtual Presenter’s Handbook were fair, even down to the typos (we discovered too late that Blurb’s software is quite buggy has a mind of it’s own – and typos NOT in the manuscript showed up in the final).

So, thank you Ken.  Here’s to you and Webinar Success continuing to rock…for you, for the world of virtual presentations, and the benefit of webinar audiences everywhere who sit through one less crappy presentation.

2 thoughts on “Ken, thanks for the kind comments on the book

  1. Andras

    Hi, I actually just bought your book based on Ken’s review, so despite the typos, it seems very well written 🙂 Greetings from Brussels, Andras

    1. TheVP

      Thank you, Andras. I’m honored.

      Yes, unfortunately we discovered that the publishing software from Blurb introduced some craziness that wasn’t in the original manuscript. The good news is that version 1.1 of the book is done and will be up on soon.

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