In the Shire, it is customary for a hobbit celebrating their eleventy-first birthday to throw the party and give the gifts. Well, I’m going to a few years shy of eleventy one, but I’d be honored if you were my guest nonetheless.
Over the years I’ve written several hundred songs that never see the light of day. This year, I decided to publish some of them in a book and do a short, one-set show (solo guitar/voice). I’m not joining a band or planning to tour the world, just giving myself the gift of playing live and releasing my art to the world.
Too, you know me. I’ll do my best to get folks connected with each other because, if you’re seeing this, it’s likely that you fall into that blurry area between friends and business.
Where & when
Thursday, December 4th at TaborSpace (address here: NOTE: Parking is the Mt Tabor Presbyterian Church parking lot — 54th/Belmont. Entrance to TaborSpace is between 54th/55th on Belmont.
Party’s from 6-9 pm. Show’s at 7.
The picture above is a shot of the actual room, so it’ll be cool place to hang a bit. It’s a coffee shop with a combination of tables/chairs and some comfy arm chairs.
What to bring
You, your significant other, your kids, your friends, your guitar. After I’m done with a performance set, it’s open mic time. Your presence is your gift to me.
What NOT to bring and why I don’t want RSVPs
Please do not bring a gift. If you want to do something on my behalf, make a donation to the Quinn Driscoll Foundation.
Here’s why I don’t want RSVPs: For me, this is a concert for an audience of one, and I’d like it to be free of ego (mine!). As a professional speaker, I live daily in a world where numbers are a measure of worth. This party will be the opposite.
Will there be food?
There’s a coffee shop/barista on duty, and there may be pastries left in said coffee shop. If you’ve got a hankering to bring some cookies or something like that, please do. The space allows no alcohol, but just about anything else is game.
There really isn’t much to set up or do, but if you’ve got the gift of doing or bringing something, consider yourself invited to do so. Just give me a shout.
Warning label
The invitation is open to all, and you should know this:
If you’ve got a family, the book I’ll have there will have two colorful words in it (in two songs written long ago). You don’t hear me drop f-bombs nowadays, but that didn’t use to be the case. After much consternation, I decided to leave those two old songs as originally written (I won’t be singing them).
If you’re not a Christian, know this: You already know I also don’t publish religious or political stuff via social media (that’s biz), you also know that I’m not shy about my faith. I won’t be preaching at the party either, but the performance set will be a mix of secular and sacred songs because, well, that’s who I am and it’s my party. 🙂
Am I forgetting anything?
I’ve rented a space, I’ll have a guitar, there will be cool people there. I do hope you’ll be one of them.