The conflict? Audiences hate to be sold…but you need to motivate some type of follow-up action.
The good news? Evidence-based, brain-friendly content structure cuts through the noise. And the StoryBuilder Lab’s™ hands-on methodology delivers a real work output.

Attention economics is pretty simple: it’s a scarce resource and it keeps going up in value. And when it comes to your own workshops or webinars, it’s hard enough to get people to register, let alone influencing transformation and action without delivering a sleazy sales pitch. Oh, and if you’re like most people, you’ve investigated the “hero’s journey” and wondered how to apply that to a typical business presentation.
The good news is that researchers have figured out how the brain wants to see information – and it doesn’t take a doctoral degree to use the pattern to improve impact the results of both your invitations and the “no brainer next step” you want your audience to take.
And it all starts with a core structure that marries the science of both story and motivation with a hands-on methodological approach that delivers an actual work output.
Whether 1:1 coaching, a two-day team workshop, or something in between, StoryBuilder Lab™ teaches by learning collaboratively, working on an actual presentation, and testing it in a safe environment.
Example curriculum
NOTE: It’s two full days onsite; we’ll typically split it into multiple days online (e.g., four three-hour sessions with breaks, breakouts, teach-backs, etc.). But this will give you an idea of the full curriculum — shorter versions available.
Day #1: Complex to Simple — Turning Content into Brain-Friendly Story Structure
Module 1: Mindset & Strategy for Using Simplicity and Story
- Understand the relationship of simplicity and complexity
- Determine how to approach simplicity/complexity for your story
- Define the roles of data-information-knowledge-wisdom in the way you will use story
- Understand three-step process for transforming complexity to people-centered story
Module 2: Assembling Your Story’s “Core” Essential Building Blocks
- Understand how the brain relates to story
- Define story in context for corporate/organizational use
- Define the common necessary elements in corporate/organizational story
- (Hands on) Create your presentation’s essential building blocks
Module 3: Building Your Story’s Cognitive Pattern
- Understand the difference between the process of creating your story’s building blocks and assembling your story
- Understand an evidence-based model for constructing your story
- (Hands on) Arrange your story’s building blocks in alignment with sound corporate/organizational cognitive pattern
Module 4: Crafting Your Story’s Delivery Package
- Understand how to approach differing audience needs at the “presentation layer” of packaging
- Choose two different audiences with differing needs and decide on approach for each
- (Hands on) Construct two different stories based on two different approaches
Day #2: Design & Delivery for Non-Designers — PowerPoint & Presenting for Attention and Impact
Module 5: Sharpening Your Story’s Focus on Context
- Understand differences in design approaches for onsite, online (webinars), and on-demand
- Understand differences in design approaches for live (real time) and on-demand (slide-based documents)
- How to simplify visually for text or numeric-heavy content
Module 6: Designing Slides for Attention and Impact, Part 1
- Understand how to transfer your story structure to a set of slides
- Understand essential principles for adapting words and language for slide-based delivery
- (Hands on) Choose one of the previous day’s stories
- (Hands on) Create an initial slide framework for your presentation
Module 7: Designing Slides for Attention and Impact, Part 2
- Understand essential principles for using charts, graphs, and visuals in your story
- (Hands on) Adapt your slide deck for more visual presentation of your story
Module 8: Individual or Group Presentations with Peer Reviews
- Understand presentation review methodology (and worksheet)
- (Hands on) Individual or group presentations; includes peer and instructor review time
Roger Courville is the first speaker in the world to earn his Certified Speaking Professional designation with a predominantly virtual business model.
Once dubbed “The Michael Jordan of Virtual Presentations,” Roger is a multi-book author, award winning writer, and multi-company entrepreneur.
His consulting and training clients include organizations as diverse as FedEx, Australia Institute of Training and Development, American Management Association, US Bank and, of course, that little company down the street that you’ve never heard about but who rocks the world every day. And he loves habaneros.