7 ways social and mobile marketing may affect your 2014 webinar strategy

Social and mobile marketing aren’t the same thing, but they go hand in hand. Because they’re so pervasive, it is inevitable that they will affect how your audience responds to your webinars.

As you’re planning the new year, here are 7 areas to think about when considering webinar programs in your content marketing strategy.


Timeframes for response

Increasingly, mobility is fueling demand for right-now information. Promoting a webinar well in advance is still advisable, but not planning up-to-the-moment-of-start-time notifications to your fans and followers is a missed opportunity.

Use of hashtags

It’s common to use hashtags with webinars to enhance social interaction, but more often than not they’re one-offs. Consider a hashtag that supports the whole webinar series instead of using a different one every time.


Many web conferencing platforms behave differently on mobile devices, and sometimes mobile users find that a feature is simply not available. A couple considerations:


Video is nice to have, but it often uses more bandwidth. Too, some platforms don’t handle video via mobile devices too well. It’s worth investigating.

Access to recordings

Some web conferencing platforms produce a recording that is in a different format or media type than their primary app. If mobile consumption of your webinar’s recorded asset is important, this is worth investigating also.

Presentation/user experience

Slide design

There are many aspects of slide design that change when you do webinars (or they should!), but if you want to deliver impact to mobile users, pay particular attention to font size.


Using polls or chat or audio Q&A is usually a very different experience for mobile users. If it’s important to you to have presenters talk WITH instead of AT, you may need to help them help the cause.

Phone vs. voip audio

Mobile users may decide to attend while mobile (crazy idea!), but that includes driving. Is it easy for them to simply log in/call in/listen in?


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