Podcasting wisdom: Interview with Craig Price

Podcasting as a form of presenting virtually? You bet!

Join me as I interview professional speaker and podcaster Craig Price from RealityCheckPodcast in celebration of his 100th episode.

Unlike a seminar, this is more a free-flowing conversation where, on your behalf, I ask him about what he’s learned that we can use to save us time and headache.

For my regular readers, let me know: Do you like podcasts as part of your reach-people mix?


[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/99549513″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

1 Comment

  1. Paige Gill

    Love podcasts! Especially if I can download them from iTunes – i.e. plug in and auto sync. Podcasts allow me to listen at the moment I can and while traveling – car, plane, walking the dog, etc.

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