Welcome all! Thanks for attending the webinar or watching the recording.
As promised, below you’ll find the stuff mentioned in the webinar and a few extras:
- Here’s a copy of the presentation (you may need to right-click to download)
- My report: WhyWebinarAttendeesLeaveEarly_ResearchReport
- The Content Marketing Institute/Adobe report is here (you may need to right-click to download)
- Join the private Virtual Presenters & Facilitators Facebook group (600+ of your peers learning in community)
- Get a copy of The Virtual Presenter’s 102 Tips for Online Meetings (It’s $13.95 at Amazon, or get a free copy: Subscribe to my newsletter & email me that you’ve done it — on the honor system — and I’ll send it to you).
Any questions? Was there another report you wanted? Feel free to shoot me an email: roger (at sign) thevirtualpresenter (period) com.
Of course, I’d be honored to moderate your webinar, consult in the strategy/planning/design process, train your team or presenters, and all that. You’ll find that I do it a bit differently, and surprise is to the upside.
To your successes,