Welcome Tweeps

Hey, glad you found us.  Presumably you clicked through to here to make sure we’re real.

Indeed we are.

@1080Group is the primary Twitter acct for the company, manned by me, Roger Courville.  It’s both active and interactive.

@VirtualPreso is dedicated to one thing:  presentations and presenting for speakers/presenters in every context – marketing, training, sales, human resources.  Mission:  help you grow your personal and professional brand though standout presentations.  It’s manned by Tre’ Wilbanks and is mostly content, some interaction.

Have a useful resource or blog post?  We retweet.  We also follow back unless you’re a spammer or porn star.

Have a suggestion?  Shoot us an email at virtualpreso (at sign) 1080group (dot) com

Learn More About Us

Review of The Virtual Presenter’s Handbook by @telesaur:  http://bit.ly/6YZMuC

Want to see examples of how we approach online presentations?  Visit here

Other interviews, guest blog posts, etc.: http://www.thevirtualpresenter.com/?p=764

Conferencing humor with a point-of-view:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Re1qHMPgqGc

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