Q&A from Blending Webinars with F2F Training
Incorporate Live Webinars in Blended Learning was an interactive good time! If you want to catch the recording, you’ll find it here. What follows is one of the FAQs I didn’t get to during this well-attended event. To be fair to readers, a number of these answers assume you were there, so you might check out the recording.
Becky G. wrote, “I have trouble multi-tasking when presenting during a webinar. I find it difficult to concentrate on my speaking points while also reading comments and questions, controlling the view/presentation, etc. Do you have any tips?”
Totally fair comment, Becky. Four quick ideas:
One, know your presentation well enough so you can “look at your audience and occasionally glance at your notes” like you would in person.
Two, if actually reading the comments presents some confusion, maybe plan in advance when you’re going to pause to read them. This might be after you’ve asked a question and the answers are coming in.
Three, use a moderator. I understand this isn’t always practical, but its importance increases as the audience gets larger. They can keep an eye on things and free you up considerably.
Four, as I said in the webinar, don’t eat the sausage all in one bite. Find one thing that works and do it until proficient, then add another tool or tactic. Before you know it, you’ll be there.