Social media welcome

At 1080 Group we actually think there’s power in being real people…real in webinars (talking with you, not at you), and real by keeping the social in social media, as well.

What to expect


@1080Group – The team’s primary place to share and be social

@virtualpreso – Our “value info only” account about anything presentation/speaking/training related, not just webinars

@rogercourville – The main place you’ll find Roger being Roger


Connect with Roger here.

Get something for free

Free “bullets-to-visuals” – tutorial and PowerPoint template with subscription to 1080 Group’s Virtual Presentation Strategies newsletter

Get to know us

About Roger Courville and his programs

What is 1080 Group, LLC?

Table of contents for The Virtual Presenter’s Handbook

Ask a question

Hey, we don’t mind the direct approach, and we won’t send an invoice. Use this contact form or just pick up the phone.

1080 Group world headquarters: +1.503.476.1080

Roger’s mobile: +1.503.329.1662


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